Botox for Migraine Treatment Edmonton
Migraine sufferers who haven’t been able to find relief though other pain management methods are often frustrated and discouraged. Migraines can bring your life and livelihood to a standstill until they pass. Dr. Hatfield has been helping treat patients with Migraines for 15 years with Botox. Dr. Hatfield works with each patients on an individual basis to determine the best course of treatment. Patients typically experience profound pain relief after just one treatment and the pain reduction results usually last about 3-6 months.
Some patients may find their migraine treatment is covered under private insurance plans for migraine headaches, tension headache and other neuromuscular conditions. If you are tired of feeling frustrated and defeated by migraine pain, and interested in learning more about if Botox treatment may be right for your migraines, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.